Spring 2006 Contest


Award Ceremony Date頒獎日期: Friday, May 26th 2006;

Award Ceremony Venue頒獎地點: International Conference Room, Hwa Kang Museum 華岡博物館 國際會議廳;

Number of Skits競賽組數: 57 (22 traditional, 33 original, 3 live ) 22組傳統戲劇 33組創作戲劇 3組現場演出


Group Awards團體獎:

        Best Traditional Skit最佳傳統戲劇獎:

Keelung Harbor” (Support: Jules Janse van Rensburg)指導老師 朱力安

        Best Original Skit最佳戲劇創作獎:

It Started with You” (Support: Connie Shiue)指導老師 薛紹楣

        Best Live Skit最佳現場戲劇獎: Rebecca (Support: Christine Lou)指導老師 樓思危


Individual Awards個人獎:

        Best Female Role最佳女主角獎: Ralph Chiu 邱顯丞 as “The Ugly Duckling”

                in “The Ugly Duckling” (Supported by Fred Shannon)指導老師 傅瑞德

        Best Male Role最佳女主角獎: Cool Cheng 鄭舜哲  as “Corpse”

                in “The Man with the Broken Heart” (Supported by Dennis Woodson)指導老師 丹尼斯

        Best English Pronunciation最佳英語發音獎: Shantelle Chiu 邱千容  as “Barbie Dahl”

                in “Paris Hilton” (Supported by Phil Moriarty)指導老師 莫考利


Skit-Supporting Faculty指導教師: (number of skits)指導組數

        Connie Shuie (14)薛紹楣, Peter Morton (10)彼得摩頓, Christine Lou (9)樓思危,

Jules Janse van Rensburg (6)朱力安, Julio Cesar Diaz (5)李家宏, Phil Moriarty (5)莫考利

        Dennis Woodson (2)丹尼斯,         Mei Chiu (2)邱美清

        Saul Hsu, Fred Shannon傅瑞德, Vicky Huang, and Judy Lin 林麗雲 (1 apiece)

Faculty Nominating Judges提名評審:

        Judy Lin 林麗雲, Amy Liu 盧紹貞, Iain Brown包俊傑, Karen Tsai蔡家靜

Faculty Final-Round Judges決賽評審:

        Judy Lin林麗雲, Amy Liu盧紹貞, Iain Brown 包俊傑, Karen Tsai蔡家靜, Phil Moriarty莫考利, Mei Chiu邱美清, Julie Chen, Terry Wu, Christine Lou樓思危, Peter Morton彼得摩頓,

Connie Shuie薛紹楣, Jules Janse van Rensburg朱力安, Julio Cesar Diaz李家宏.

Organizing Staff主辦人員:

        Terry Wu黃里愛 (Faculty Skit, General Oversight)

        Christine Lou 樓思危(Sponsor Relations, Award Ceremony)

        Peter Morton彼得摩頓(Skit Submission, Archiving, Distribution)


Recordings: Three DVD recordings emerged from the 2006 skit contest and related activity.

                a. A recording of the award-winning skits.

                b. A recording of the award ceremony, with the live skits.

                c. A recording of the faculty skit, performed for a student audience on May 19th.

                        Title: Liang Shan-bwo and Zhu Ying-tai.

影像記錄:今年的話劇比賽影像記錄光碟發行三張包含的內容有(1) 話劇比賽的獲獎組別 (2)頒獎典禮以及現場演出 (3)519老師參與的話劇演出 劇名:梁山伯與祝英台